Case study
Akdemia is a beautiful and easy to use school management platform designed to bring out the best in your school. Get started in less than 10 minutes.
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Akdemia is a beautiful and easy to use school management platform designed to bring out the best in your school

The Story

Akdemia was founded by Juan Lagrange in 2012 and it is part of the original engineering team that is at the core of Hyperdrive today. After going through many iterations, Akdemia today services thousands of students daily, all around the world.

The Technology

At its core, Akdemia is built on Ruby on Rails with a ReactJS Front end web application while it is us gin PostgreSQL as its main SQL database. It also has a Ruby on Rails API that serves both its Android and iOS apps and it is all deployed to AWS using Elastic Beanstalk and RDS. The technology stack doesn’t stop there as we have also incorporated a Lambda architecture that runs out of Amazon Redshift and ElasticSearch cluster in order to run our engagement and analytics modules.

Akdemia is built on Ruby on Rails with a ReactJS Front end web application while it is us gin PostgreSQL as its main SQL database.
Sendgrid, Logentries, Airbrake, Cloudfront, Redis, S3, Sidekiq, Fabric, New Relic, Intercom, Freshdesk, and Tinfoil security are just some of the components used on a daily basis.

This all seamlessly works with about a dozen other integrations that are required to run and monitor a state of the art, full fledged digital platform: Sendgrid, Logentries, Airbrake, Cloudfront, Redis, S3, Sidekiq, Fabric, New Relic, Intercom, Freshdesk, and Tinfoil security are just some of the components used on a daily basis.

Ruby & Rails

When we began Akdemia, we started working on Rails 3.0 and have made all subsequent upgrades in order to stay current up to the latest Rails 5.0 released late June 2016. Every single person on our team has spent has been involved at least once in a minimum 6 month project that is RoR based. This is definitely one four core values and it is a way to keep the entire team loosely coupled.

Akdemia has a Ruby on Rails API that serves both its Android and iOS apps and it is all deployed to AWS using Elastic Beanstalk and RDS.
All Rights Reserved, Hyperdrive 2019.
Made in London, UK.

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